Welcome To Lifeswonderful ltd ®

Welcome to lifeswonderful ltd ®. rubberferrules.co.uk, castprotectors.co.uk & wonderglides.co.uk are trading names of lifeswonderful ltd. If you find yourself visiting this website, and found a transaction on your credit, debit card or bank statement saying "lifeswonderful ltd", then you probably purchased some thing from rubberferrules.co.uk, castprotectors.co.uk or wonderglides.co.uk. Thank you.

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Welcome to rubberferrules.co.uk

rubberferrules.co.uk is trading name of lifeswonderful ltd ®, and is UK 's leading supplier to the trade and public of rubber ferrules and plastic end caps for almost any application. We have more styles and sizes of rubber ferrules and chair leg caps than anyone else, for examples: products like replacing the rubber ferrule for you walking stick or cane. These replacement rubber ferrules for walking sticks & canes are also comely know as, rubber stoppers, rubber ends, rubber caps, rubber tips, rubber bottoms and rubber feet. They are hard wearing, long lasting, durable and provide a nice tight fit to provide a safe replacement to your worn out ones These are no minimum quantities required to order from rubberferrules.co.uk, even if you want just one replacement ferrules for your walking stick or cane, we are happy to take your order. You can even request next day delivery, even on Saturdays, if your requirements are urgent. If you are a trade customer we are happy to let you know that we do trade discount, and the more you buy the cheaper the ferrules become. Please get in touch and we would be happy to talk to you about requirements.

Walking Sticks, Walking Canes, Shooting Sticks, Hiking & Treking Poles Sticks.

If you need a replacement rubber ferrules, feet, tips, stoppers for the bottoms of your folding walking stick, walking cane, shooting stick or hiking pole then you have come to the right place. www.rubberferrules.co.uk has every thing you need. We sell more rubber ferrules for walking sticks, canes and hiking poles than anyone else. The most common rubber ferrules for walking sticks are 19mm in black ,and can be purchased by clicking here. Other popular rubber ferrules for walking sticks are the bell shaped C type ferrules and can be purchased by clicking here. If you need to replace you rubber ferrules for your shooting stick, hiking pole or teking pole our range can be found by clicking here. Please make sure that you measure the size before ordering, as some walking sticks come in different sizes. If you need help please feel free to call us on 01920 460 666.

NHS, Coopers, Sunrise Medical or any other make and model of Aluminium Crutches

If you need replacement rubber ferrules, feet, tips, stoppers for the bottoms of your Coopers, Sunrise Medcial, NHS or any other make and model of your aluminium cructhes then you have come to the right place. www.rubberferrules.co.uk has every thing you need. We sell more rubber ferrules for crutches than anyone else. The most common rubber ferrules for crutches is a Z type in 22mm in gery,and can be purchased by clicking here. Please make sure that you measure the size before ordering, as some crutches come in different sizes. If you need help please feel free to call us on 01920 460 666.

NHS, Coopers and Sunrise Medcial Zimmer Frames And Walking Frames

If you need replacement rubber ferrules, feet, tips, stoppers for the bottoms of your Coopers, Sunrise Medcial, NHS or any other make and model of your aluminium Zimmer frame or walking frame then www.rubberferrules.co.uk will have the right ferrules for you. In most cases Walking Frames or Zimmer Frames will have a Z 25mm Grey rubber ferrules fitted with a metal washer inside. You can purchase yours by clicking here. Please make sure that you measure the size before ordering, as some walkign frames come in different sizes. If you need help please feel free to call us on 01920 460 666.

NHS Coopers Sunrise Medcial SLIPNOTT FERRULES : 19mm (CODE : 10946) & 22mm (CODE: 10947)

These specialist high quality ferrules offer increased manoeuvrability, stability and safety on uneven surfaces. Their two piece construction ferrule features a durable metal ball and socket joint that allows the ferrule's extra large, slip resistant base to be in contact with the ground at all times, even when the walking stick or cane is used at an angle. Available in both 19mm (3/4") and 22mm (7/8") sizes and fitted with a metal reinforcement washer, these are suitable not only for most walking sticks but also for most crutches. These are substantial high quality ferrules, designed and manufactured in England. We are the only UK company to be able to supply these as we hold a vast stock holding. Our range of 19mm SLIPNOTT FERRULES can be purchase by clicking here, and our range of 22mm SLIPNOTT FERRULES can be purchase by clicking here. The 22mm Slipnott rubber ferrules is most commonly used for UK spec Alumimium Crutches.

Special Large Round Bowling Green Ferrules Footprint Rubber Ferrules For Protecting Bowling Green Lawn.

A must for bowlers who use a walking stick on the lawn. Proven aid for use on indoor and outdoor greens, and in many cases mandatory. For metal, wooden & collapsable sticks. Extra large flexible circular base makes these ferrules ideal for walking on grass whilst minimising indentations and damage to the bowling green lawn. Available in black or green colour and the 19mm (3/4") bowling green ferrule can be purchased by clicking here. and 22mm (7/8") bowling grren ferrule can be purchased by click here. ALl are suitable for metal and wooden walking canes respectively. Easy push on fitting.




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